To Watch the Video on Downloading and installing the SuperFlip! Software on a Windows computer Click on this Link.

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Downloading SuperFlip! Video

To Downloading the Free SuperFlip!5 Software Click on this Link.

Click Here to Download the

Free SuperFlip!5 Software

To go too VueThru Cat and Mouse SuperFlip!5 Training Click on this Link.

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Cat and Mouse Training Project

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Windows 8 & 10 Users, the Download process has changed.


For any of you looking to re-download SuperFlip!5 onto a newer Windows operating system, here are the current changes that have been applied.


  • Prior to downloading SuperFlip!5, make sure that your Windows computer has downloaded the latest Windows Update from Microsoft. Many have found that updating their computer solves any issue to downloading SuperFlip!5.
  • The file downloaded will be a zipped file. You can unzip the file by simply right clicking on the file and selecting “Extract All”.
  • In our download video on XP there was a computer icon that helped located which of the 5 Setup files to select for downloading SuperFlip!5 onto your computer. With Windows 8, this icon is no longer viewable. However, you simply select the Setup file that contains 59 KB. Simply double-click on this file and follow the instructions to finish downloading SuperFlip!5 onto your computer. (see below)










If you continue to have difficulties download SuperFlip!5, please contact our office for technical support.


– Walter Spengler (VueThru Production Manager)

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